
It is a soft white cream kebaya. It made from a gentle fabric with a gorgeous pattern. I'm in love with it in the first sight. My sister in-law, Cuwiling, graciously sewed my wedding dress and sprinkled beads and shimmering sequins on it. That's make my kebaya more glowing.

The Dress
I wear the dress combined by cute batik I bought in Jogja. It is a batik with modern pattern. Parang pattern combined with heart shape in green and orange color, our favorite color. 
The veil is made from soft tulle fabric and decorated by rod glittery sequins. . . so beautiful. 
The Batik, Veil, and Bandana
For the accecories, I used the the bandana made from remain fabric of my kebaya. I pick certain pattern that match with the veil. I also wear a broche that was a modification from an earring. 


  1. thank you for visiting my blog . . :D