
Still the house need a repairmen or improvement . .  especially for the kitchen. . .
Our new house didn't have kitchen, so we built the kitchen. We look for any references of kitchen for a small house. The simply one... We didn't order a kitchen set, because it also spent a lot of money. 
We must save our money for the baby... :)

But still we want a good kitchen, taste of us . . .

kitchen cabinet from coconut wood

my coconut kitchen
The kitchen wall is white color, Argentum said it was a neutral color, beside that by using white color the kitchen looks clean and simple.

For the kitchen cabinet, we want it made from coconut wood. We choose coconut wood because it was a strong wood, people usually used it to build a house. The other reason is because the coconut wood has a special and beautiful pattern. Just like you see in the picture below . . . We love that natural pattern. . .

I love the pattern from original coconut wood

kitchen on reparation

the stone floor