

Hari fitri kali ini akan terasa makin berwarna dengan kembang senyum mu. .
Kemenangan kali ini akan terasa makin manis dengan taburan maaf mu. . .

Berikan senyummu dan maafmu untukku. .
Alphi mohon maaf atas salah dan lupa. .
Selamat kembali suci. . :-)


Saladkazam. .

Let me introduce you, my first salad recipes. . . the name is Saladkazam. . hehehe
Well, I'm still a new comers . .  So I make a simple one, but it taste good. . :D
What you need?
  • fresh green mustard
  • fresh cucumber
  • fresh tomatoes
  • fried onion
  • fried tofu and fried chicken
 for the dressing you need :
  • soya ketchup
  • orange/lime water
  • chili and tomatoes
  • terasi, sugar, and salt
  • oil
 What you do?
You need to prepare the dressing first. Mix and puree the chili and tomatoes, terasi, sugar, and salt. Then stir-fry the mix in a hot oil till it cooked well. We can call it "sambal bajak"
Next, add the soya ketchup to sambal bajak, and pour some orange/lime water until the dressing become more liquid, ,,
Then prepare the salad. Cut the mustard, cucumber, tomato, tofu and chicken as you will. Put them in a bowl. Then pour some dressing sauce and give some fried onion.
Taraaaa. . Itadakimasu, , :D

more. . :D


    I feel uncomfortable with the opinion some people around me lately. they say I'm getting fatter, fiuuh. . . My cheeks are now getting chubby. Well, maybe they're right. I myself would not feel fat, if they do not say it. I still feel normal. hehehe. . .
    I'm increasingly convinced that they are right when I tried my wedding kebaya.
My wedding kebaya feel cramped and not fit. . . : (
I feel so horrible about my self,,,
    But thank God, at least the month of Ramadan to help me. . . After approximately two weeks of fasting, my weight shrank from 60 kilograms to 55 kilograms. I feel quite relieved.
    Now I'm looking for a way to maintain my weight, even if it possible, my weight decreases by up to 50 kilograms.  I get a good idea when I saw fresh mustard greens in the fridge.
    Yayai. . I will reduce the consumption of rice and eat more fresh vegetables. .
    Yup, I started eating fresh vegetables right now, it's almost a week now. . very little portion of my rice ...
and incredibly, it turns out I did not feel hungry easily. .
    Thank God, there is no physiological disorders. Everything remains normal. . : D
Looks like I can continue this program. . : D


 Together with Karinotropus. . :)


This is a song by Maher Zain. . .  A song that also a pray, wish, or do'a for bride after their married. The lyric is so beautiful. . I love it. . :")
The title is Barakallah . .  you can download the song here. . 

We're here on this special day
Our hearts are full of pleasure
A day that brings the two of you
Close together
We're gathered here to celebrate
A moment you'll always treasure
We ask Allah to make your love
Last forever
Let's raise our hands and make Do'a
Like the Prophet taught us
And with one voice
Let's all say, say, say

Baraka allahu lakuma
Wa baraka alaikuma
Wa jama’a bainakuma fi khair(2x)


busy .  busy. . busy. . 
working at Skodsa must have such energy. every one here were a super. . . :D
this school has a tight agenda. . . even in daily activity. . . 
but I'll gonna do my best and enjoy it. . . 
happy. .  happy. .  happy. . 

a moment with Bernardo and Mariana
Ifthar with big family of Skodsa


I love this site. .  It is all about the beauty of Indonesia. .  I wish I can visit every pieces of Indonesia. . :)
Come and visit Zamrud Khatulistiwa

"Mencintai Indonesia dengan Sederhana" 


Be Happy. . .
Self Happiness
Family Happiness
Indonesian Happiness

Happy Indonesian Independence Day for 66 years
Dirgahayu Indonesiaku
Jayalah Negeriku



To shine is better than to reflect. . . 




my wishlist as a bride wannabe. . :D
so beautiful just like a princess


Having an ifthar (breaking fast) every Ramadhan was a routine agenda in Dinasty Karino. The first ifthar was held in Lek Jen's house. This event was held to celebrate Vian's birthday. Karinortropus were gathered there. Argentum also joined. . :)


On last Saturday August 13, 2011 Dini-chan come to Lumajang. She was accompanied by the father and mother of course. She was invited at an iftar with the our big family at Lek  Jen's house . Now Dini-chan become the center of attention among Karinotropus. . haha
She is so cute and smiley. She also became more chocolate. . haha

me and Dini chan
so sweet. . 



na. . na. . na. .  visiting Argentum's house, in Pulo village. . with my ndeso look. . :D


Helloo. .  Let me introduce another blog I managed. The tittle is On Earth, Inside Us. This blog is dedicated for my student, to assist their learning process. Well, I'm starting to post something. Hope it will be helpful. Here a glance of   On Earth, Inside Us. You can access it by this address

I pick "On Earth, Inside Us" as the tittle because this blog is concern about Biology. Biology is a knowledge that learn about living things and their life process. Biology learn about every living thing On Earth, and also life process Inside Us. This blog has an unique tag line. Actually this tag line was performed before with my friends when we studied Biology as college students. I love it so much.
The tag line is "Biological Need, Biological Think, Biological Life"


A sketch made by Faiz Sutarsono. He is one of my student in SMPN 1 Lumajang. 
Now he is a high school student. 
He just found his new talent  and hobby beside photography . .  
Faiz kun, Gambatte ne. . :D


The difference between INTENTIONS and daydream is: Intention held in conjunction with the effort / action, while daydream is a desire without effort ... "FAIDZA 'AZZAMTA FATAWAKKAL 'ALALLAH"


When my expectation does not match reality, I feel hurt . . .
Hurt and disappointed.
But, not so deep when we have someone to share, strengthen, and awaken each other.
He said. . .
"We live like we have all along. Flowed like water. Spontaneous. What I want now is everyone happy with our marriage. Like our songs as a kid... 1, 2, 3, sayang semuanya"